History of Ships
Prehistoric era
History of the ship in line with the human adventure. The boat that was first recognized during the Neolithic known, about 10,000 years ago. These early vessels had limited function: they can move on the water, but that's it. Mainly used for hunting and fishing. Archaeologists found the oldest canoes are often made of coniferous trees, using simple stone tools.
To determine the direction, the ship sailed past not far from the continent or mainland. However, in accordance with the development of the crew finally using the stars as navigational aids with tools such as the compass and the astrolabe and maps. The discovery of an hourglass by Arabs also helped navigation coupled with the invention of the clock by John Harrison in the 17th century. Invention of the telegraph by SFB Morse and radio by Marconi C., especially over the use of radar and sonar were discovered in the 20th century made the role of navigator somewhat displaced. Unit is calculated by knots boat speed where 1 knot = 1.85200 km / h.
Towards the end of the 20th century, is greatly facilitated by the GPS navigation, which has a very high accuracy with the help of the satelit. besides very modern communication systems also support navigation in the presence of several types of equipment such as radar type Harp allow navigators / Mualim can see directly sea state conditions. This harp Radar is a modern radar that can detect the distance between the ship with the ship, the ship with the mainland, ships with hazardous areas, boat speed, wind speed, accuracy and power have a clear picture. Apart from that there is no system GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress Safety System) A safety system shipping globally. If a ship is in a dangerous condition of this system will emit a message that contains the position of the dangers of the vessel, vessel name, type of distress, the automatic, rapid, precise, accurate. For other communication systems there INMARSAT (International Maritime satellite) A news delivery system using E-Mail, Telephone, Telex or Facsimile.
History of Ships
Reviewed by Unknown
7:18:00 AM

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