Plan Indonesia West Java provincial government Coaching Clinic In December 2014
Otomaotifzone..2014 celebration pengrov IMI Jabar in an event IMI Jabar Regional Championship Racing 2014 will take place as much as 3 series. Among the first in the series has ended on 30-31 August 2014 held yesterday, in Tasikmalaya. Furthermore Tasikmalaya will return to host the second round, and the finals will be present in the town of Banjar in October.
HRM Djoko Suryono, Head of Organisation IMI Jabar Pengrov
HRM Djoko Suryono, Head of Organisation IMI Jabar Pengrov
Unlike the previous year, Pengrov IMI Jabar in 2014 was held for 3 series due to several factors and considerations. "Although only 3 series I would expect to be a good size for the drivers and teams. Next year we will try again 5 series because the circuit is quite a lot, even today there are currently in the development phase as Majalengka and some other places, "said Djoko Suryono HRM, Organization Head Pengrov IMI Jabar.
In addition, in December Pengrov IMI Jabar planned to follow the coaching program coaching clinic for some of the best riders in the class MP5 and MP6. "Plans for the activity of this coaching clinic will be held in Subang, in December. The goal is to find the seeds of young drivers, they are given to better understand the techniques of racing and race management team, "he added when met at the Circuit Peusar Hill, Tasikmalaya, Sunday (31/8).
Plan Indonesia West Java provincial government Coaching Clinic In December 2014
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8:18:00 AM

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