Prepare Volvo Fund $ 100 Million to Build Plant in Indonesia
Stretching investment in the automotive sector seems not to end. Most recently, the Swedish automaker declared his intention to enlarge investment in Indonesia. This time, Volvo intends to build a car assembly plant in Indonesia.
Mark Gabel, Director of Volvo Indonesia say, to plant the company will invest $ 100 million. "Indonesia recorded the largest growth in Southeast Asia. Could be that we produce and export to other countries," said Mark Jakarta Post quoted at Seoul, Wednesday (24/9).
For information only, in Indonesia Mark Gabel oversees Volvo heavy equipment business. The company has two authorized distributor, PT Primary and PT Indotruck Intraco Penta Tbk.
Eka Lovyan, Chief Operating Officer of Trucks and Buses, PT Indotruck Major said, the possibility of building a plant that could have been done by Volvo. However, the knowledge of Eka, Volvo expansion plans which will be held is build for heavy equipment dealers.
"To my knowledge, there is a major investment plan of Volvo, the investment to build a construction equipment dealership in Indonesia," said Eka KONTAN. Problems plans to build an assembly plant, Eka claimed not to receive such information.
What is clear, said Eka, it will develop a network of organizations and business in Indonesia. To that end, the company will then direct recruitment practice.
Throughout the years 2013 to 2014 and then, Indotruck has built several dealers including Medan, Palembang, Bengkulu, Jambi, Muara Bungo, Muara Enim and Sorong. Total large dealership owned Indotruck totaling 17 dealers.
For each investment dealer, usually costing dozens or even tens of millions of dollars. Depending on how big the dealership to be built and its location.
The location and number of new dealer company, Eka reluctant to mention. "Not yet decided, should be added quite a lot," without answering amount.
Volvo investment plan to build a factory in Indonesia is also not known by Imam Lyanto, investor relations Intranco Penta Tbk PT, as the Volvo distributor in Indonesia. "I have to check first," said Imam.
Prepare Volvo Fund $ 100 Million to Build Plant in Indonesia
Reviewed by Unknown
5:21:00 AM

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