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Working Principle Carburetor

Basically carburetor works using Bernoulli's principle: the faster air moves, the smaller its static pressure but higher its dynamic pressure. The gas pedal on a car actually does not directly control the amount of fuel flow into the combustion chamber. Actual gas pedal control valves in the carburetor to determine the amount of air that can flow into the combustion chamber. Air moves in a carburetor that has the pressure to attract and fuel into the combustion chamber. 

Most machines have only one carburetor, but some are using one carburetor for each cylinder that is owned. Even become a trend modifications motorcycle in Indonesia using a multi-carbu (many carburetors), but usually it is only used as decoration with no technical function. Early generation machines use up the carburetor flow (updraft), where air enters through the bottom of the carburetor and then exit through the top. The advantage of this design is that it can avoid flooding the engine, because the excess liquid fuel will spill out directly and not through the carburetor into the intake mainfold; Other advantages are the lower carburetor can be connected with the oil channel so there is a bit of oil that go into the air stream and is used to wash the air filter; but with the use of air filters made ​​of paper washing using this oil is no longer needed today. 

Beginning in late 1930s, the flow carburetor down (downdraft) and flow laterally (sidedraft) began populer used for automotive.


At any time of the operation, the carburetor should be able to: 

Regulate the amount of air flow into the combustion chamber 
Distribute fuel with the right amount according to the air flow into the combustion chamber so that the ratio of fuel / air to stay awake. 
water mixing of air and fuel with the average and perfect 
The above items will be easy to do if only gas and air is an ideal fluid; but in fact, by their nature, that is the viscosity, fluid friction, fluid inertia, and so on carburetor become very complex in overcoming this situation is not ideal. Also carburetor must remain capable of producing a mixture of gasoline / air right under any circumstances, because the carburetor must operate in temperature, air pressure, engine rpm, and the centrifugal force is very diverse. Carburetor must be able to operate in the state: 

Start the engine in cold conditions 
Start in hot conditions 
Idling or running at low speed 
Acceleration when the gas suddenly opened 
High speed with a fully open gas 
Partially stabilized by the gas velocity in the open for long periods 
The modern carburetor should also be able to reduce the amount of vehicle emissions

Carburetor is basically an open pipe on both ends, the air in the pipe is moving towards heading into the engine intake manifold / combustion chamber. The venturi-shaped pipe, ie from one end of the wide surface and narrow in the middle and then widens again at the other end. This shape causes the air flow velocity increases when passing through narrow passages. 

In the fixed venturi type, equipped with a tip carburetor air valve butterfly valve called the throttle (gas valve), which is a kind of disc that can rotate to close and open movement of air flow so it can adjust the amount of air / fuel coming in combustion chamber. The amount of air / fuel is what determines a great power and / or speed of motion of the machine. Gas pedal, or on a motorcycle, the throttle valve is connected directly to the cable through. However, the venturi-type move, the existence of this valve was not found because that regulate the amount of flow of the air / fuel is the venturi size itself can vary. Pedal or the throttle is connected with the piston set in a narrow gap venturi 

Fuel is sprayed to the air flow through small channels contained in a narrow space in the venturi. Low pressure of moving air in the venturi draw fuel from the carburetor bowl so that the fuel is ejected and participate airflow. These channels are called jets.


Open the gas from idling

When the handle is opened a little gas from the fully closed position, no venturi section which has a lower pressure due to a closed valve is turning. This section provides a carburetor jets are much more than the other to flatten the distribution of fuel in the air stream.

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Working Principle Carburetor Working Principle Carburetor Reviewed by Unknown on 12:05:00 AM Rating: 5

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