How to Calculate Power And Torque In Cars Engines
Car And Vehicles Review-How to Calculate Power And Torque In Cars Engines,Torque is a measure of the ability of the machine to do the work, so the torque is an energy. The amount of torque is the amount of a derivative that is commonly used to calculate the energy produced from the object rotates on its axis. The formulation of the torque is as follows. When an object is rotating and has a large centrifugal force of F, the object rotates on its axis with a radius of b, the torque data are:
T = F x b (N.m)
T = Torque rotating object (N.m)
F = is the centrifugal force of the rotating object (N)
b = is the object distance to the center of rotation (m)
Because of the torque is what causes the axis of the rotating object, and the object will stop when there is a big effort against the same torque in the opposite direction.
On motor fuel to determine the power shaft torque must be known. Measurement of the torque on the motor shaft using a tool called a fuel Dynamo meter. The working principle of this tool is to give to the load in the opposite direction of rotation to rotation near 0 rpm, This load value is equal to the torque shaft. It can be seen from the picture above is the basic principle of a dynamo meter. From the picture above can be seen in the measurement of torque on the shaft (rotor) with the principle of braking with the stator is subjected to a load of w. Machine is turned on then the shaft is connected to the dynamo meter. To measuring engine torque on the shaft
given engine brake is connected with w braking or loading. Imposition continued until nearly stopped rotating engine shaft. The maximum load is unreadable braking force equal to the force of the rotational machine F. From the definition mentioned that the multiplication of force with distance is a torque, with the definition Torsion on the shaft can be determined by the formula:
T = w x b (Nm)
T = is the engine torque (Nm)
w = is the load (N)
b = is the distance to the center of rotation of loading (m)
Remember w (load / heavy) here we distinguish the mass (m), if the mass unit kg, while the burden here is gravity with N units derived from W = mg
On the machine is actually loading the components of the machine itself is the engine accessories (water pump, lube pump, radiator fan), the electric generator (battery charging, electric lighting, penyalan plugs), friction engine and other components.
Of torque calculation above can be seen the amount of energy that emerges on the engine shaft. The amount of energy that emerges every time the machine is called the power of the engine. If energy is measured at the engine shaft power is called the power shaft.
Power Engineering (Power)
While the power is calculated by unit KW (Kilo watts) or Horse Power (HP) has a close relationship with the torque. Power is formulated as follows:
Power = torque x angular speed.
The formula above is essentially the formula, the engine then the formula becomes:
Power = torque x 2 pi x rotational speed (RPM).
To measure Power (KW) is as follows:
Power (kW) = torque (Nm) x 2 pi x rotational speed (RPM) / 6000
6000 can be interpreted is 1 minute = 60 seconds, and to get kw = 1000 watts.
whereas to measure Power (HP) is as follows:
Power (HP) = torque (lbs. Ft) x rotational speed (RPM) / 5252
On motor fuel, the power generated from the combustion process in the cylinder and is usually referred to as an indicator of power. Power is imposed on the working piston reciprocating in the cylinder machine. So within the engine cylinder, a change in the energy of the chemical energy of fuel to the combustion process into mechanical energy in the piston. Power indicator is a source of union power engine operating time to address all engine loads. Machine during work have components that are interrelated to each other to form a compact unity. The components of the machine is also a burden that must be overcome power indicator. For example the water pump for the cooling system, lubrication system for lubricating pump, radiator fan, etc., these components are commonly called machine accessories. These accessories are considered parasitic to the engine due to take power from the power indicator. In addition to the components of the engine load, the losses due to friction between the components of the machine is also a parasite for the machine, with the same reason the engine accessories ie take power indicator. As the picture above shows that the power to moving accessories and to override the friction is 5%. For easier understanding is following formulation of each power. Using HP power unit (hourse power)
N = N - N + N (HP)
Ne = is the effective power or shaft power (HP)
Ni = is the power indicator (HP)
Ng = is the friction power loss (HP)
Na = is the loss of power accessories (HP)
How to Calculate Power And Torque In Cars Engines
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