Fighter Aircraft Sukhoi Su-27
Sukhoi Su-27 (NATO: Flanker) is a fighter aircraft that was originally manufactured by the Soviet Union, and designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. The aircraft is planned to be the main rival new generation of fighter aircraft the United States (ie F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and the F / A-18 Hornet). Su-27 has a range that far, heavy weaponry, and high agility. The aircraft is often referred to as a result of competition between the Sukhoi with Mikoyan-Gurevich, as Su-27 and MiG-29 shaped like. It is a misnomer, because the Su-27 interceptor aircraft designed as an air superiority fighter and long distance, while the MiG-29 was designed to fill a supporting role combat aircraft at close range.
In mid 1970s, the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon made the Eastern Bloc are in trouble. The launch of the Su-27 Flanker and MiG-29 Fulcrum in the mid-1980s, make things balanced. Designed as a high performance fighter with a control system of a fly-by-wire and the ability to carry up to 10AAM. Su-27 aircraft that have great maneuverability is one of the most impressive aircraft ever made. The first prototype for "Flangker-A" fly on May 20, 1977 and was inaugurated as "Flanker B" on the 1984 development of the Su-27 fighter has been finished in the early 1980s, and after making more than 40 world records for speed and altitude take-off . This aircraft is the pioneer of a kind / family aircraft, including the Su-27UB trainer aircraft, fighter aircraft Su-33, multi-mission aircraft Su-37 and two specialist aircraft seat Su-32FN. Su-27UB is a version of the Su-27 with 2 seats which first flew in March 1985.
Su-27 is not only operating in Russia and the CIS countries, but also in China and Vietnam. China also memebeli license for the production of Su-27 aircraft itself. In 1997 Sukhoi signed a contract with Vietnam for $ 180 million to supply six Su-27 (Su-27SK and two Su-27UB 4). Sukhoi sent 4 of them oada 1996 and 2 were destroyed because of the transport ship crashed into an apartment block in Irkutsk. Vietnam is estimated to buy 24 fighter jets for $ 800 million at the end of the last millennium.
Su-27 Fighter aircraft has wing mounted medium (in the middle part of the fuselage) and semidelta shaped with the tip box. LERX and extends below the front of the wing root. There are two engines in the fuselage. There are "air intakes" (airways) and box-shaped "diagonally-cut" (cut diagonally), mounted under the wing along the side of the fuselage. Rectangular shaped fuselage of the airways to the tail. There is a tapered nose and bubble canopy. The tail fin bent backward, sharp denganujung box and mounted outside the machine. "Flats" was installed in the middle (mid-mounted), and sharply bent backwards. Having a system of "airbrakes" mounted above the fuselage, behind the cockpit
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Fighter Aircraft Sukhoi Su-27
Reviewed by Unknown
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