Stealth Aircraft
Stealth aircraft (English: stealth aircraft) or aircraft called very silent is a plane that is designed to absorb and deflect radar stealth technology, making it more difficult to detect. In general, the goal is to launch an attack while he was still outside enemy detection. F-117 Nighthawk is a stealth aircraft types used United States Air Force in the Gulf War.
Stealth aircraft has the ability to avoid detection, both visual detection, audio, heat sensors, and radio waves (radar). Visually, the plane is more difficult to be seen when it has the same color as the background color (camouflage). In the audio, of course, trying to make the aircraft quieter. In heat sensors, Stealth aircraft are usually detected from the heat arising from the body or from the surrounding air temperature.
The hottest part of the plane is a drain air or exhaust engine and the leading edge (the first part of the aircraft through the air). Heat from the exhaust can be reduced by mixing with cold air blast machines from the outside of the fuselage before the aircraft is blown out and extend the exhaust pipe (such as A-4 Skyhawk Indonesia, which has a longer exhaust than the standard version). Part of this exhaust is usually pursued by anti-aircraft missiles with infrared sensors. However, modern heat-seeking missiles now also have the ability to detect and pursue the heat generated due to friction with the air surface of the fuselage.
Detection of radio waves is to prevent radio waves from the radar is not reflected from the fuselage and back to the radar. Radio waves can be absorbed if the air frame coated RAM (Radar Absorbent Material), reflected in the other direction, or such that the waves become lost or mutually exclusive (this is the underlying form of stealth aircraft that have a shape other than a regular plane or somewhat strange ).
Stealth aircraft are usually not 100% undetected by radar. But because it has the RCS (Radar Cross Section) is small, on the radar screen just looks at the hordes of bird, not a plane.
Stealth Aircraft
Reviewed by Unknown
10:50:00 AM

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