The Greatness Peek Sukhoi Su-30
Sukhoi Su-30MK2 TNI-AU,Indonesia Airforce
Sukhoi Su-30 (NATO: Flanker-C) is a fighter aircraft developed by Russia's Sukhoi aircraft in 1996 this is a multifunctional combat aircraft, which is effectively used as a ground attack aircraft. This aircraft can be compared with the F / A-18E / F Super Hornet and F-15E Strike Eagle USA.
This aircraft is a development of the Su-27UB and has several variants. Series Su-30K and Su-30MK has been commercially successful. These variants are produced by KnAAPO and Irkut, which is a subsidiary of the Sukhoi group. KnAAPO produce Su-Su-30MK2 and 30MKK, which designed and sold to China. Su-30 is the most advanced Su-30MK series made Irkut. Among others, the Su-30MKI, which is the plane that was developed specifically for the Indian Air Force, as well as the MKM and MKA for Malaysia to Algeria.
Su-30SM dari Russian Air Force
Sukhoi Su-27 (NATO: Flanker) is a fighter aircraft that was originally manufactured by the Soviet Union, and designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. The aircraft is planned to be the main rival new generation of fighter aircraft the United States (ie F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and the F / A-18 Hornet). Su-27 aircraft has a range that far, heavy weaponry, and high agility. The aircraft is often referred to as a result of competition between the Sukhoi with Mikoyan-Gurevich, as Su-27 and MiG-29 shaped like. It is a misnomer, because the Su-27 interceptor aircraft designed as an air superiority fighter and long distance, while the MiG-29 was designed to fill a supporting role combat aircraft at close range.
Based on a two-place trainer aircraft seat Su-27UB and was initially known as the Su-27PU, Su-30 is a fighter aircraft precision long-distance-Similar to the F-15E Eagles. Although maintaining the ability interceptor air-to-air from the Su-27, the initial model Su30 and Su-30K optimized for long endurance missions 10 hours or more. This type of aircraft is equipped with a radiolocation system that allows tracking up to 10 targets at the same time. This feature makes it suitable as a Su-30 tactical fighter leader as hunting targets of enemy aircraft. This variant is then combined with models of the Su-30M multi-role has the ability to bring precision ground attack missiles and bombs sophisticated control.
Sukhoi also actively selling export model of the Su-30MK, which has been bought by a large amount by India (Su-30MKI) and China (Su-30MKK, Su-30MK2). The plane belonged to India in general better than all other Su30 variants and has a "canard" and "vectored thrust nozzles" to improve manuverability, better radar and avionics technology more sophisticated than the Indian and Western sources. The current plan, Au India needs 230 Su-30MKI aircraft and about 140 to 180 of which are licensed to be made in Hindustan Aeronotics Limited in India.
Indonesia also showed interest to buy this model airplane, only at that time hampered because of the economy and politics. Other interested countries from Asia and the Middle East such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Algeria and Syria. Probably, the most controversial is the consumer who ordered Venezuelan aircraft to mock the United States because of poor support for the United States F-16 aircraft belonging to Venezuela.
Su-30MKA dari Algerian Air Force
For Russia, the Su-30 is a complement and substitute the MiG-31 and Su-27, and is still the most advanced aircraft in the ranks of the Russian Air Force. Several upgrades for this aircraft to maintain the aircraft's ability to face other types of aircraft are planned to continue until 2020.
The Greatness Peek Sukhoi Su-30
Reviewed by Unknown
1:24:00 AM

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