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Antique Cars

World Railway History

Steam Locomotive 

Steam train is a train that is driven by steam generated / produced from the boiler is heated with firewood, coal or fuel oil, therefore the vehicle is said to be a train and carried until now. Since the first railways built in Indonesia in 1867 in Semarang has been put on a steam locomotive, in general, the locomotive made ​​in Germany, Britain, the United States and the Netherlands. Most are made ​​in Germany.

The first steam locomotive in the world in 1804 Richard Trevithick made

Invention of the steam engine

James Watt, was born January 19, 1736 in Greenock Scotland found improvements in the steam engine train steam 1769 Commencement began with the invention of the steam engine's refinement.

Stephenson's Rocket locomotive made ​​in 1829, the fastest steam locomotive in his era

To move the wheels of steam train boiler flow into the space where the piston is placed, the water vapor will go to press the piston to move and on the other side of the piston in the room water vapor that are pushed out of the room so on. Water vapor into the piston chamber regulated by a direct recourse mechanisms as shown in the picture. Furthermore, the piston will move the wheel back and forth movement by mechanism into rotary motion 

The term of the steam locomotive needs to be explained, so that the reader can follow the description hereinafter. As it is known that significant parts of the steam locomotive are: 

furnace burning coal or wood 
boiler water 
tender or coal and water 
wheel drive 
steam piston-wheel drive 
space machinist 
tender trailer for coal and water 
wheel drive 
wheel support 
and others


B-5112 Steam Locomotive in the Railway Museum - Ambarawa, Central Java, Indonesia
World Railway History World Railway History Reviewed by Unknown on 6:33:00 PM Rating: 5

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