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Antique Cars

Lexus LS Series

Lexus LS is a great car and a luxury sedan. Lexus name was originally only used for the export market, while for the Japanese domestic market using the name Toyota Celsior. After Lexus officially marketed in Japan starting in 2006, the name is no longer used Celsior. 

In order to maintain the quality of awakening, from the beginning until now its manufacture is in one place, Tahara Plant, which is recognized as the world's best car assembly. Thus, in the United States though, as the main market, the Lexus classified as CBU (imported form intact)

Lexus LS

Manufacturers Lexus (Toyota) 
Also called the Toyota Celsior (JDM) 
Period in production 1989-present 
Assembling Tahara, Aichi, Japan 
Luxury car class 
Body style 4 door Sedan 
Layout front engine, rear-wheel Drive 
Front engine, all-wheel drive
Lexus LS Series Lexus LS Series Reviewed by Unknown on 4:49:00 AM Rating: 5

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